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12 full-size potrait paintings of inspiring women - in progress

Ms Marion Kiechle

Ms Marion Kiechle

Ms Bea Knecht, Oil on canvas, 200x140cm - in progress

As a painter and philosopher, I have launched a project to recognize inspiring women from our society by painting and exhibiting a series of 12 full-size portraits.a

Character traits that all the women have in common include:




A strong character

The idea for the project arose during intense talks with Dr. Bernhard Maaz, Director General of the Bavarian State Painting Collections. We came to the conclusion that over the centuries women have often been painted life-size in the roles of muse or regent, but in the new millennium such portraits are woefully under-represented in the world’s major museums. I firmly believe that the time has come to finally paint contemporary portraits of women like you who enrich society with their work and commitment.

The portrait series is to be part of an installation that will also include a genotype of each woman portrayed (in the form of a hair sample). This concept combines the tradition of portrait painting with a forward-looking vision straddling the worlds of art and science. The 12 portraits will be displayed in an exhibition at a new museum in Germany.

The first life-size portrait in the series is already finished and I am now working on the second (see photos). The portrait subjects to date are:

Dr. Marion Kiechle physician

Dr. Bea Knecht entrepreneur

Dr. Jana Gallus assistant professor

Nicole Brandes internat. manage coach